Approach to—
We are committed to protecting our people and planet by ensuring our operations are environmentally responsible and have high safety standards for our employees and the local communities in which we operate. Our diamonds are produced sustainably. Lucapa operates under the World Diamond Council’s System of Warranties and we adhere to the Kimberley Process.

ESG Report
2023 ESG Report
We are proud of the work we do in the communities in which we operate. Our social, environmental and governance processes support and maintain our licence to operate.
Our Guiding Principles
We have been operating in Africa for more than a decade and have ongoing, proactive ESG programs to support our people and the local communities.
Lucapa’s ESG program is aligned with the objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) Principles framework.
The individual social impact programs are tailored to the needs of each community.

In Australia, we have one project in the remote Northern Territory with many stakeholders. Although the Merlin Project is not operating, as a brownfields site, we are focusing on best practice environmental management and positive engagement with key stakeholders such as the Traditional Owners, the Northern Territory Government and the local community.
In Angola, we have built a state-of-the-art school for the nearby community of Xamiquelquengue where about 80 percent of the mine’s workforce live. The Secondary School was completed in 2023. Almost 1,000 students attend the school in two shifts per day, starting in the morning and afternoon.
We have also sunk bores and connected a solar powered pump and storage system to provide fresh and clean water for school students and the local community to use.
Mining is a high impact activity on the environment. Our environmental team is tasked with revegetating the disturbed land on the 3,000 square kilometre concession by land forming and planting native saplings. Our rehabilitation and revegetation projects are planned in accordance with local legislation and best practice. There’s constant monitoring of ground and surface water as well as vegetation and soil. A well established waste management and recycling program is operating on site.
Championing a diverse workforce
People and Diversity
Our diverse team of more than 1000 staff and contractors spread across our operations, is overwhelmingly made up of people who reside locally to our operations.
The ages of our employees range from 18 years old to some in their late 60’s.
At Mothae, women make up about a third of our team, and 99 percent of the workforce are Lesotho Nationals.
Lulo’s team is made up of 20 percent expatriates and 80 percent Angolans, with a smaller number of women in roles at the site at about 10 percent.

We help to empower those residents who live nearby to our operations through a number of initiatives to help poverty relief such as casual employment and local procurement from the nearby Letšeng Village.
We provide traineeships in various areas such as environmental, catering and driving heavy vehicles. We also provide industrial relations training at a supervisor level so they are aware of grievance procedures and workplace ethics. We also we run regular training initiatives to help employees gain new capabilities for greater opportunities.
We provide financial and in-kind support for the communities in which we operate. These programs are long-term and designed to give individuals sustainable skills, care and income.